Sunday, 7 February 2016

योगात्मक आँकलन द्वितीय- 2016
Class:IX / कक्षा:नवीं
SOCIAL SCIENCE / सामाजिक विज्ञान
Time : 3Hours                                                                                                     Max.Marks:90
समय : 3घंटे                                                                                                        अधिकतमअंक : 90
1.      This question paper has 30 questions in all.All questions are compulsory.
2.   Marks are indicated against each question.
3.   Questions from serial number 1-8 are one mark question .
4.   Questions from 9-20 are 3 marks questions . Answer of thesequestions should not exceed 80 words each
5.   Questions from serial number 21-28 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each. Question numbers 27 & 28 are OTBA questions.
6.   Question numbers 29 & 30 are  map questions of 3 marks from Geography & 3 marks from History. After completion , attach the map inside your answer script.

1.         Name the cluster of villages in Bastar.     
            Which region the GujjarBakarwals  pastoral nomads belong to?
Who created the early enclosures on land?                                                                               ( 1 )

2.         Which television tycoon televised  cricket for the first time?                                                          

        What was the Indian chintzes which was within the reach of many Europeans ?                          

3. Which is the most dominant Species of the tropical deciduous forest?                            (1)                                           
4.In which forest is The Royal Bengal Tiger  famous ?                                                                                         5.Which party used the famous slogan“Land to the tiller “                                                              
6. Write the fullform of NHRC ?                                                                                                                     7.  Which  State has the  significant decline in Poverty?                                          (1)   
8. What is the accepted average calories require Per- Person Per day in Urban Area        (1)
9. How were forests classified on the basis of the 1878 forest Act?                                     (3)
            Who are nomads? Give an example.
 What were the reasons for starting the ‘Enclosure movement’ in England?

10.  Distinguish between Amateurs and professionals.                                                                                                                     OR
How did Mahatma Gandhiji use Khadi as a national Symbol?
11.Mention the main provisions of the cricketing laws drawn in 1774.
       What were the sumptuary laws in France?
12.       How does Delhi receive more rainfall than Jodhpur?                                                            (3)              
13.       What is a bio reserve ? Give any two Example.                                                                     (3)

14.       Give reasons for how migration Plays a Significant role in changing the composition and distribution of the Population?
15.       What are the advantages of having a healthy population?                                                                                      
16.       Which is an ‘Election Commission’? What is its role in the elections?                                 (3)
17.       How are Council of ministers categorized?
18.        Why do we need fundamental rights?                                                                                  (3)
19.       What are the dimensions of Poverty?                                                                                    (3)
20.       What challenges are ahead of India with respect to Poverty alleviation?                            (3)

21.       What Kind of life is led by the tribals of Bastar?                                                                    (5)
Discuss how the life of pastoralist was changed dramatically under the colonial role?

How did the white Americans turn the grasslands into Bread baskets of America?

22.       Who introduced cricket into the media? How were one-day Internationals introduced?
When were new clothing materials introduced in Britain? Explain?
23. Explain the mechanism of monsoon.
24. Explain the Election Process.
25. Explain the powers of the Prime Minister.
.           26.Give an account of interstate disparities of Poverty in India?                                          (5)
                                                    OTBA QUESTIONS.                                                 
27.a. Why the need of Milk co-operative societies arise? Do you think co-operative societies scheme was successful?                              (5)
   b. What is the success story of Hardeep Singh and Sukhjeet Kaur?   (5)
   a. How do Mili co-operative societies contribute towards nation building? Explain.
   b. What is Operation Flood?
28. a. Critically examine the results of Green Revolution in India.         (5)
    b. What is PDS? What are its disadvantages?                                        (5)
    a. What are the technical problems faced by Indian agriculture?
    b. How our Government tackled the problems faced by Indian      agriculture?

29.Mark the following in the given map of World:
a.      England                  b. USA                         c. Calcutta
30. Identify and locate the following places in the given map of India:
A.      The least populous state of India.
B.      The  rain shadow region of India.
C.      Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nadu.


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