Thursday, 4 February 2016

Class VII Sample Question Paper for SA 2

                                                                   Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Avadi
                                                            Sample Question -2016
         Marks-60                                                                                                                                   Class -VII
         Time -2 1/2 hrs.                                                                                                                 Sub    - English
        Section-A Reading
          Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow
             A mighty oak stood on the bank of a river. It was a huge tree well nourished by the water of the river. Naturally it had a thick stem and was very strong. Just nearby grew some reeds with thin but flexible stems. They stood almost half in water and had flourished well too. One day a severe gale blew. The oak tree though huge and strong, broke from the middle and was thrown across the stream just among the reeds. As for the reeds they suffered no harm at all. The oak was very surprised indeed. Having failed to understand the reason for the safety of the reeds, the oak asked them, “How could the frail and slender plants like you manage to face the gale unharmed? But I with all my strength have been broken.”“Very easy to follow Mr. Oak! You were stubborn perhaps due to the pride of your strength, and refused to bend. So you broke while we bowed and yielded to the strong wind and were spared”.
          Complete the following statements based on the reading of the above passage.                                      5 marks
a.       The oak tree grew tall big and strong because -----------------------------------.
b.      But the reeds that grew nearby were --------- and had --------- stems.
c.       One day the oak tree broke from the middle, as ----------------------.
d.      The reeds were unaffected by the strong wind because ------------------------.
 e.    According to the reeds, the oak tree broke because of its ------------------------.
         Q.2 Read the following poem and answer the questions choosing the right option                5 marks
          Not gold, but only man can make                                           
          A people great and strong
          Men who for truth and honor’s sake
          Stand fast and suffer long.
          Brave men who work, while others sleep,
          Who dare while others fly-
           They build the nation`s pillars deep
           And lift them to the sky.
         a.       A country can be made great and strong only by -------------.  ( military power, gold, man )
         b.      In order to prove that something is true and to get honor for their valuable service, people have to -  -------    ( suffer long, work hard,  try by all means ) 
c.       People who are lazy and afraid --------- away, doing nothing for their country. ( laugh, run , while, )
d.      People who are ----------- can work for the good of their country. (courageous, cowardly,  lazy )
e.      These fearless and hardworking people can be rightly called  the --------- builders (city, body, nation)
Section-B (Writing) 
Q3 Write a paragraph on the topic, “Shoot animals with camera and not with gun”. You may find the following
hints useful                                                                                                                                                             4 marks
( animals killed for meat, fat, skin and horns- their number less now- some species extinct- need to protect and preserve them- animal reserves- sanctuaries-  illegal poaching of animals- severely punishable)
Q.4 Imagine that you are Ashwin. Your younger brother imagined as Praveen has newly joined vth class in a residential school called Good Shepherd Public School, Ooty, and The Nilgiris. Write a letter to your brother advising him to get adjusted to the new situations at school and study well.              5 marks
Q.5 Construct a story using the hints given below on the topic, “Slow and steady wins the race”      6 marks                                                                                  
( A hare- thirsty- to a pool to drink- met a slow-moving tortoise- made fun at him- tortoise insulted- ready for a race with hare- date fixed- tortoise far behind- hare far ahead – tempted to eat grass- fell asleep- tortoise ahead of hare- reached winning point
            Section-c (grammar)
             Q.6 Fill in the blanks with simple present choosing the correct option from the brackets.                       4 marks
             We feel sleepy when we are tired after work. Why ------------ (a. did, b. do, c. does) one sleep? It is the rest acquired through sleep that ----------- (a. making, b. made, c. makes) us energetic. Sleep is essential to remove fatigue and to maintain health. The brain ---------- (a. controlling, b. controlled, c. controls) all the functions of the body. Cerebellum in the brain controls sleep. When we work for the whole day, the quantity of calcium        -------- (a. increases, b. increasing, c. increase) in our body. Sleep is essential to reduce the quantity of calcium. It is the brain that gives the instruction to sleep. 
            7. Complete the following dialogue meaningfully                                                                                            4 marks
              Sister: Brother, ------------------------------------------?
              Brother: I am going to the book shop.
               Sister: ----------------------------------------------------?
               Brother: I want to buy Maths text book.
               Sister:   Please, ---------------------------- a geometry box.
               Brother: Yes, --------------------.
             Q.8 Do as directed
               a) It is clear that the work has not been done in a proper way                                                                 1 mark
               b) She recited the poem in a cheerful manner                                                                                             1 mark
             ( Rewrite the sentences given above meaningfully adding –ly  to the words underlined )
               c) I have got a good business ---------------.                                                                                                    1 mark
               d)  The thief and his -------------- were caught by the police                                                                      1 mark
              (Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box below                                                                 
Accomplice        partner        companion           helper

              Q.9 Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences.                                                    3marks
                a) / welcome / in / always /rain /summer / is /
                b) /relief/heat/of/people/get/temporary/some/the/summer/ from/
                c) /reduce/the/rain/of/dust/and/showers/the /heat/
              10. Read the following extracts and answer the questions choosing the correct options                 3 marks
“Explore the meadow houses,
The burrows in the grounds,
A nest beneath tall grasses,
The ant`s amazing mount.”
a) Name the poet and the poem.
b) Mention at least two surprises.
C) What can be found beneath tall grasses?                               
“But mother says that kind is good,
And eats up insects for his food.
 So when he wiggles in the grass
I will stand aside and watch him pass”
a)What kind is referred here?
b) Pick out a word from the extract that suggests movement.
c) Write a phrase /line from the extract that tells us that the snake is harmless.
Q.11 Criminals can look quite ordinary, smarty,” I retorted. “Did you see the Hyderabadi house breaker in the papers yesterday? He looked like any man on the street.”                                                                    3 mark
a) Name the speaker and the listener?                                                                                                           
b) What is the speaker`s view on criminals?
c) What is the example quoted by the speaker to support her view?
Q.12 Answer any four of the following questions.                                                                                        8 marks                                                                 
a. How is the Test Cricket a unique game in many ways?
b. A wise old bird said that Chandni was the winner in her fight with the wolf. How?
c. What was Dad trying to do when a cat got stuck in the tree?
d. Why does a burning candle go out when you blow on it?
e. Why, in your opinion, did the man set the doves free?
13. What were some of Mr.Nath`s personal details collected by Maya to prove that he was a crook? OR
      Describe in your own words the fight between the man and the machine.                                   6 marks

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